You have chosen the Hanged Man and the Ace of Wands. The Hanged Man is a card that is ruled by the planet Neptune which is to do with our expression of imagination, dreams, visions and our reflection on life. It is sometimes seen as someone being upside down. That means that you've got a different perspective from everybody else. It sometimes feels that you're going nowhere and there is a strange lazy feeling around this card. It's as if we feel that we're in limbo and we cannot make a decision. We feel stuck because we are viewing things with complexity. This is to do with the Ace of Wands which is a new beginning associated with your work. This is usually involving one, two or three people. This is the start of a brand new action for you. you've been given an offer to start a new enterprise which has plenty of growth and a new beginning for you. This is an excellent time. It's a very fertile situation but you're pondering and feeling stuck or you are trying to move ahead and getting nowhere. You really do have to seize the moment. you've got to make the most of all your gifts. you've got a spirit of adventure, you're enterprising and you've always got plenty of enthusiasm but your energy feels that at this moment in time that you've run out of momentum. Perhaps you feel that you're not sure which way to channel things. Perhaps you feel you don't know which direction to take so for now it's a time to feel that you should do nothing. you've got to be assertive, be optimistic and use your enthusiasm. Perhaps this is about you looking into a more spiritual aspect of yourself rather than for materialistic needs and maybe you're having to make a lot of self sacrifices in order for this venture to go ahead. Perhaps you're feeling that you're powerless to change or improve the circumstances that you find yourself in. you know that the sacrifices you've make up to now in your personal life were necessary and the experiences you went through made you learn a lot about yourself and made you stronger so any of the hardships that you've been involved in have been for a purpose. Now you need to plan carefully and slowly what the next move will be.