You have chosen the fool and the ten of cups. The ten of cups is all about a happy relationship. Now, the fool is telling you there are new, important beginnings. You're on the start of creating something with a very happy environment. These new things will lead to a brand new you. It may be a time of confusion and things may not be the same again, but the ten of cups implies that you're coming together in a very strong relationship. This is to do with a large group, so it may be your family or a relationship where the two of you have decided to set up home. The ten of cups means that you are looking at one of the most positive emotions that you could possibly experience, for the ten of cups is all about the bliss and happiness that's associated with the emotions that come from a relationship, or a family. It's cosy, dreamy, and very successful; this is the fulfilment of your own happiness within a relationship or a marriage. It usually has links with wanting things that go with that, such as children, animals, or providing yourself with a very nice home or environment which you can call your own. So this is all about the change and disruption that comes from being an individual and deciding to really make things happen with a group or a partner. Make sure that you don't alter everything all at once, and that the changes that go on are gentle, subtle, and stepping stage by stage which is comfortable for you. This is definitely a time where your world is changing and you're facing challenges, but you will reveal to yourself the happiness of sorting out the skills and talents that are necessary to negotiate the challenges. The positive times, and the times that you have to look out for those around you, and make sure that everyone's ok. As you're plunging into a new situation you may feel as though you're out of control, so why not take this time to work out exactly what you're trying to achieve together so that you can all put your energies in the right direction so that you're all singing from the same hymn sheet.