You have chosen the fool and the knight of cups. There are big changes, new beginnings and the start of something new. This will cause confusion, because these changes will never be the same again. You're starting out into something completely different -this is to do with a new love affair coming into your life. You're breaking new ground and everything is unpredictable. This enthusiasm will mean that you're going through life in a very gentle manner. Everything about you is elegant and in transition, a new romantic lover is coming into your life. This is the start of a new awakening for your social life as well, for this will open up new social invitations into your life. You're breaking new ground, there is lots of hope and happiness, for the knight of cups comes from the happiest suit, which is all to do with our love and emotions. This change will be disruptive, and you are to expect the unexpected. You won't be disappointed -there are so many changes coming in, and it's not quite what you've imagined either. You might even change your mind about certain aspects. What's needed here is for you to be as adaptable as possible: now is the time for you to be noticed, and you are attracting the right sort of attention. This is of course a time for fresh beginnings where you're stepping into the unknown. The doors opening into your world are revealing you anything and everything. This may even bring you into complete direction in the way in which you live your life. This might affect your environment and your career -there'll be lots of challenges but you'll be able to reveal to yourself all sorts of different talents and skills that you never knew you had. This is a time to enjoy -it's very, very positive. So why not work out exactly what you want to achieve, so that your energies are going in the correct direction. You might find yourself being a jack of all trades, and your mind working overtime, but as long as you enjoy and take each step at a time, you'll fare out really well. The fool works in close conjunction with the planet Uranus, this is how we make things happen in the world, where we create something complex and safe. But we have to have an idea of what the finished product in our mind might be, and through our logic or our thought, we can make conscious or unconscious decisions about our actions. This is all about change and wanting the change to be positive and hopeful; all you need to do is look at everything honesty and clarity and plan what you want, so you can follow the freedom that is necessary for you to change life into a positive and new horizon.