You have chosen the fool and the four of wands. The fool tells us that you are starting something new and that this is a new beginning for you. Of course, anything new is confusing, but things will not be the same for you again, this is because the fool is linked to the planet Uranus, which deals with revolutionary changes. The four of wands tells us that you're looking for material security, and you're prepared to work hard for it. It is a card of being at home, of feeling secure, and it is certainly to do with moving. So if you're looking for an environment around you in which you'd like to consolidate you family and your interests, now is the time to go for it. This is certainly a good time to move house. It is a very positive time -this could be linked with marriage, so if you were thinking of setting up home with someone, or actually going through a ceremony, or have recently done so, this is excellent. Certainly there is a house move for you, where you're dealing with property; perhaps you're choosing to invest. This is definitely a good place to be -very, very positive. Uranus deals with the way that we process things in the world, and how we make them happen. We're always looking to create complex structure, whether this is to do with a house, a business, or something where we have an idea of what the finished product is in our minds, it doesn't matter. We must go about this with logical thoughts, you must be conscious and aware of your actions, otherwise nothing can be produced. So do not think that this will materialise, you must work hard, and put the effort into this. The entire concept must be held in your mind before the components can be fitted together. The components will not manifest themselves, you will need the abilities that are necessary in order to manage it, there are many different tasks that need to be done, and once these functions are linked together, you'll have an overall concept. A change is definitely best for everyone concerned -do not be fearful of the disruption, you must look at things with honesty and clarity, and know that this will give you a greater freedom in your life, because you are broadening the perspective within your life.