You have chosen the Empress and the Two of Pentacles. The Two of Pentacles tells us that you're finding it tough with finances. You are juggling, robbing Peter to pay Paul. This struggle with finances may lead to the fact that you need two jobs. Maybe they are part time but you are walking a very thin line. There is a possibility of an internal transfer at work or the offer of a new job so you must hold on and wait. Continue to watch your spending and be careful. The Empress is telling you that you must value your possessions. You must put as much emphasis upon your possessions as your family, friends and the love and romance within your life. The Empress is the feminine side of everyone, the things that cause us to get things done with things that we love, value and care about. The Empress is the mother figure, which means that you are going to be careful and look after things. It will lead eventually to health, wealth and abundance but you must show that you are caring and capable of managing your very tight financial routine. The Empress is telling you to look after what you've got and be secure, to plan ahead and have a strategy and a goal to work towards. The Empress is telling you also that there is fertility, which means that what you start to work on will grow and become much more financially stable. You are certainly going through a tough time but you're learning so much about how to cope. The very fact that you have a longing for beautiful things that will bring you great pleasure is enough to make you determined. You are someone who will do well to give service to others particularly when it comes to work matters. You are helpful, likeable and practical. Your communications are good. You must completely review your material world. The Empress shows you will eventually be happy and you will value and appreciate the simple, humble things that you will find satisfying and rewarding. Possessions are important and so is security but you will become more in balance with the environment that is around you and the people that are close to you. It is time to look at everything from your image to your looks to the way you conduct your life and your strategies for getting ahead. The more detailed you are the more progress you will make and the more your financial security will stabilise.