You have chosen the Empress and the Ten of Wands. This is a card that shows you are getting things right - use the people around you, particularly if it's linked to the outdoors. The move travel and movement that's going on in a team, the better and the more physically creative your efforts will be. At the moment you can't see the wood for the trees. You've been too proud and independent to ask for any help so you now need to go back and delegate. You need to be a team player rather than the one that takes the complete burden. This burden is too heavy a load for one person and you are already starting to suffer, you're feeling it physically, you're shattered. You lack trust and your physical body is worn out. You need to rest; you need to learn how to work as a team player and to delegate some of the responsibilities to other people. The Empress is telling you to keep going but to share this responsibility for the Empress works with the Planet Venus which values the possessions around you. It's to do with the things you care about. It's the feminine side of all of us. It's the mother figure where we nurture and look after what we really care about. You really care about what you do for a living and you work extremely hard. This is all about the wealth, health and abundance and the hard work that you've actually done. It shows that this is healthy and that you're looking after things but you need some help. You need more help from others to make this a success, for it to be fertile and for it to work for you on your own slogging away are finding the burden too much and by being too tired you're missing things and not working on every bit of capacity that's possible. You should delegate more effectively and let others take some of the burden away - so that you can think clearly with a strategy and a goal in mind so that you can nurture everything that you love and care about and still reap the rewards from the situation. You can't do this on your own. You know that so it's time to re-think.