You have chosen the Empress and the Nine of Cups. The Nine of Cups is a really good card. It's a wishing card. It's what you've wished for yourself - your own personal desires are now being fulfilled. You will obtain happiness and contentment when you know what is of value to you in your world. You have a sense of value for yourself and satisfaction of being happy and healthy for you realise you've got enough for your needs. Ok - a little bit more would be nice, but you have a healthy lifestyle and a curiosity to want to explore life and no more. You realise a sense of well being is all about being happy in your own skin. The Empress is telling you to value your possessions and to love yourself and others for the Empress is about Venus. The Planet Venus helps us with love, romance, marriage, sex, relationships. It's the feminine side of all of us. The Empress is a very strong mother figure and it is telling you that you have an abundance of wealth and health. You have very good energy and you look after who you are or what is important to you. The Empress is a security card which is teaching you the value of something that is worthwhile and beautiful that needs to be noted and tended. The Empress is all about the fertile side of life - to be rewarded and satisfied by life you might need to surround yourself by the countryside, go back to gardening or something that gives you an emotional sense of well being. You can also find that you have good times with plenty of material comforts that are on its way to you - but it's all about surrounding yourself with things that are important to you. This can be to do with nature, your home, your image, your clothes, your hairstyle - anything that you feel is worthwhile, rewarding, satisfying and pleases you.