You have chosen the Empress and the Knight of Swords. The Empress is the card that tells you to value your possessions. It's about the things that you love and care about and the feminine side of everyone. It's a wealth, health and abundance card. It means that everything is being looked after by you. You're making sure that things are secure and that they are going to grow into something bigger and better. You're nurturing them in a way that you really do value and care. Whatever your plans are you need to be quick and shrewd. You need a little bit of knowledge for this to take off. You're impetuous and sometimes a little unpredictable. You get bored with things too easily and so therefore you go backwards and forwards, wondering what to do next. Something's caught your attention and you're starting to think it could be good. Perhaps you're looking for the good times, along with the material comforts that go with it. It's a satisfying and rewarding time, but only for as long as you stick at it. Either way life won't be the same again for you've started to think about what you really want from life. It's whether or not you've got the staying power. In fact you're thinking about your loved ones and the things that you care about. Maybe you've got to go ahead with some sort of change of image for the Empress works in conjunction with Venus which is about making the most of what you've got. These two cards are all about anything that gives you satisfaction and security. You'll meet someone who will offer you friendship and share you ideals in life but you have a huge need for some breathing space within a relationship so anything that tickles your fancy mustn't make you feel claustrophobic. You're someone who is loyal and tolerant and has a willingness to accept big differences when it comes to opinions or outlooks no matter what the relationship - you really do need your own space and it has to be a meeting of minds and spirits as well as your emotional expectations. Failing to do so would leave you feeling bored. So if you flit from one project to another accept that you're not yet ready and that you're still discovering and exploring but if you feel that this is something you want to get involved in, as long as you've got the staying power, and you have all the tools we mentioned providing you've got your own emotional space this project will work well for you. You still need a little bit more knowledge and a little bit more time, experience is the word here which is something you're clocking up so you are getting there, it's whether or not you truly want it.