You have chosen the Empress and the Knight of Cups. This is all about the valued possessions, the love and the romance inside your life. It is the connection to the feminine side of all of us. This means you are starting to take care of yourself. You are looking after yourself. What you put in you will get back so it's time to be healthy and get your energies moving for there is plenty of health and abundance around you. It is time to preen yourself and give yourself a new image or certainly to keep fit and look after your interests with your health. There is a new romance coming into your life. Whether this is something you love or whether this is a person is not clear but there is something that is going to steal a passion within you causing you to investigate new horizons and explore new shores. There are plenty of social invitations going on. Indeed you're breaking lots of new ground here. This is an enthusiastic and unpredictable time and you are always on the move. You are gaining the admiration of others for you are elegant and graceful but always on the move. In fact you are so cheerful you are the bringer of hope and other people feel inspired when they are around you. There may be children around you. Whether it is for you or someone who has children in their life, this means there are happy times when things are not so serious, with plenty of fun - laughter is bringing joy into your life. It's time to feel real and to really look at the spiritual side of you: the side that is interested in the nature and the naturalness of everyone and everything that's going on around you. Possessions and material goods will be important. However, you're suddenly visiting a side of your nature where you feel a connection to the Empress: a romance that is going on with being comfortable with who you are and what surrounds you. It's almost like you need to put your mark: to say to other people, if they're interested, who you really are. If they're not interested it doesn't take away any of the confidence that you have in yourself, for you are now clever enough to realise that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not everyone vibrates on the same frequency - that you are happiest being who you are: which is quite naturally charming.