You have chosen the Empress and the Knight of Wands. The Empress is a card who teaches us to value our possessions so you're being asked to look at the things you feel are important in your life. The Empress works with the Planet Venus which links with the love, romance, marriage, engagements and the sexual side of everybody. It's being in touch with the feminine side of who you are - you're being asked to look after what you feel is important. The Empress is a very strong figure and it's a card of security, which means that what you're about to do leads to lots of material success. This is to do with wealth, health, happiness and abundance which means you're looking after what's important to you. This situation is very fertile. The Knight of Wands shows there's slight inexperience in what you're doing. It's all about moving and relocating. You've got to get on with what you want to do for this is a very big important travel card. It shows that adventure is always yours. You're always on the move. You're very outgoing. This could link with a new enterprise associated with work or your career. It's shows a new action and it shows that you're on the move. You're enterprises will go from strength to strength but you've got to gather a little bit more knowledge. It shows that the good times are here and there are plenty of material comforts on their way to you right now. You're being asked to look at what's satisfying and rewarding for it's your need to discover and express your own personal values. It's about the details in life and the way you make choices down to the fact of what you feel is beautiful and worthwhile. This is all linked with what you find exciting and inspirational. It's about your future potential and your happiness. As long as there's challenge and excitement that fires your imagination then you will be satisfied. You are being given a chance to glimpse at your own unlived life and to connect with it. This is all about what you would find satisfying rather than the security of what it could provide.