You have chosen the Empress and the Eight of Wands. The Eight of Wands is a card of air travel so if you are thinking of taking some trips abroad this is an excellent time. This is a very positive card and it means that things are on the move and that things are happening quickly. Plans are developing and good news travels fast. Expect to hear something in the post within eight weeks, something that is very good news to you. It also represents the Cupid's arrows of love. They're in mid flight and things are starting to get there - but not quite yet - so think and have a plan or strategy. Prioritise what it is that's important to you and make sure it's happening. The Empress will help you. This is the other card that you have chosen. This is to do with the valued possessions in life and the love and romance in all of us. It's the feminine side of our character. The mother figure who looks after the wealth, health and abundance within our lives. It's about healthy female energies being around you and that there is growth and security in what you're doing. It's also a looking after card and making sure that you are ok. A security card if you like. It is linked to fertility and success so make sure that you make the best of what it is that you want and grab every opportunity that comes your way, particularly that you are prioritising what it is you want for yourself. This is to do with the physical fulfilment of your desires. It's the material pleasures, not the spiritual. You need to be earth bound and grounded and know exactly what it is you want for mother earth is very real. The Empress is the caring and nurturing side of all of us. It is the realisation of things that are definitely going to happen and that they will grow and be in the fertile situation. You like nice things. You need to indulge yourself, to look after yourself and create the image that you want - so maybe look at looking after yourself a bit more and re-evaluate who it is you want to be just for yourself. Do you want a new hairstyle, do you want a new car, do you need a new image of your clothes? Think about it but only choose to please yourself and don't go along with other people. You are a unique individual and you need to shine.