You have chosen the Emperor and the 2 of Pentacles.The 2 of Pentacles explain that you are juggling your finances. You're robbing Peter to pay Paul over and over again. You're certainly spending more than is coming in and this struggle with finances may lead to you having to take on another job. This means two jobs in order to make ends meet. You're walking a very tight rope and you know that money is really scarce. This card is also leading to a new job offer, which will be much better financially for you instead of doing two little jobs. It could even indicate an internal transfer for you at work, where you're given more authority. The Emperor is asking you to look at your finances and control it. This is all about self-discipline. You have got to be the boss, the father figure. You're the one that's got the practical mind. You're strong, you're clever, your logical and your ambitious. Use that in order to get things back on track. This is certainly a time to be assertive, take action and achieve for you've really got to look at seizing the initiative and making the first move. Make sure that this important situation is not pushed away. You need to be in control and not for it; to be controlling you. You know that you're reliable and honest, you just need to look at this. You've just been spending a little bit more that you've earned and that was because you wanted everyone to know that you'd achieved and that you deserved it. It was your rewards for working hard but you need to pull back and work out that you've got to climb the ladder just a little bit more.