You have chosen the Emperor and the 2 of Cups.The 2 of Cups shows that you are in a loving relationship or truly care about what you do. Perhaps you're in love with your career. Either way, whatever your passion is you truly give your all. You should be in a loving relationship where you have a dynamic between the two of you, that is innovative, imaginative and creative and it's the coming together of minds as well as hearts, bodies and souls that's important for you. You are truly in control of your life particularly when it comes to your relationships. You have a togetherness that truly loves and you're happy to care for each other but you are able to live your lives as separate human beings, which is hugely important to both of you. This is because Aries controls the Emperor, which is the fire sign. This is all about self-discipline and control and it's about the self. Whether you're male of female this is the father figure within all of us and it shows that you're the boss. You're controlling in matters that are practical and you are able to come to conclusions with your strong, clever, logical, ambitious ways. Sometimes you have a strong energy where things are a little bit matter of fact, but you have a truly restless side, which gives you the courage and the inspiration to go through life. Sometimes you become frustrated and this is what leads to bouts of rage and temper tantrums, which is just merely the face of frustration. For you life must be experience and challenges and the opportunity to try as many new and innovative ideas as possible. It does not matter whether then come out in the emotional, physical or imagination it's just important that you try. It would be good for you to think about independence within your work, whether you are self employed or whether you are actually in an enterprise of your own, where you make your own decisions will be where you are happiest. You are able to do things with dash and drama and everything you do is fast and furious. You give your best to the point where you become exhausted. One thing that is hard for you is to wait. You do not have much patience. Everything that you do you tries to make happen right now. The other side of your nature is your need for material and emotional security in which to provide a base for yourself, where you can accomplish with the knowledge that there is a safe place in waiting. You have the ability to be very intuitive and very at home with non-verbal forms of communication. Your empathy is amazing and your common sense and your timing astound other people. Now is a truly wonderful time for you, because you are most in touch with yourself more so now, that you have ever been.