You have chosen the Emperor and the 3 of Pentacles.You're involved in being employed in a small working environment. This has involved you starting at the bottom and working your way upward. There is skill and training involved in this project and it is to do with working with lots of people, possibly within a school, university or hospital, something of that nature. It requires that you cooperate with lots of people and it is to do with the constant learning of new skills. The 3 of Pentacles is asking you to look at an elevated position, for the Emperor is telling you that you are somebody who could go far. The Emperor is the father figure of the cards and it is telling you that you are capable of guiding yourself through your workplace to achieve the maximum success. You can go to the top; you can be the boss because you have the discipline that is involved in being in charge. You're very practical and you're able to control groups of people including yourself because you have self-discipline. You have a strong, logical, clever mind and an ambitious nature. This strong energy directed towards your efforts means that you deal with things in a crisis, in a very matter of fact way. This clinical mind that you have means that you are very clever and you are somebody that does well when people need a leader, so it is important for you to realize that all the training and skill involved is totally necessary in order for you to go from the bottom to the top. You have a strategy and tactics that will earn you the respect of those around you, both working for you and continuing to promote you. The Emperor is telling you to make the most of your ambitions and that the progress you make within your work place goes from strength to strength.