You have chosen the Emperor and the 3 of Cups.This is a time of celebration and joy. It is the coming together of many people, which means intimacy. This can be to do with close friends, a family celebrating or a group gathering. It may be a reunion. It could be to do with the fact that you are toasting a birth, engagement, christening, wedding, a family celebration or the passing of exams. You're certainly in touch with yourself at the moment. You are full of self-discipline and control. You are able to be the father figure whether you're male of female and you should definitely be the boss. You are capable of having a very, very practical mind where you can control things, stand back and make things happen. You're very strong, clever and logical and very ambitious at this time. You're able to provide anything you want, the trouble is that you are sometimes a little impatient. You're clever and you have a good strong energy and you are certainly no accused of being lazy, far from it. You work very hard to the point of exhaustion. This can sometimes lead you to feel that you're exhausted and that your head suffers from aching and your shoulders are sore from putting your full energy into everything. It is important to realize that you must look after yourself. It is the taking part and not the winning and you go through everything as if your heart and soul depended upon it. As long as there is emotional interest for you, you will give your all. Exhausting your energies to the point of depletion. This is what makes you feel truly satisfied. On the other hand you can become totally frustrated with yourself. As we said before you do not like waiting for anything and everything with you is now. You're able to realize that it is important to build up some sort of material security in life and yet you know that this can pass and flow. You're capable of moving around and gambling with an experience, trying it and deciding to go for it anyway. After all, its all experience to you isn't it. As long as everyone around you is in agreement then this is truly adventurous and dynamic for you and yes of course you will succeed and try, try again as long as you have a focus and a goal you are truly happy. What would make you miserable is to feel that there is no particularly goal in mind and that you're simply going through the hum drum of life. Keep your sparkle alive and you will have much more to celebrate for you truly are a person who is quite unique and if you are not your own boss, I am sure that you have the confidence, the skills and the practical common sense to set this up for yourself in something that you truly believe in.