You have chosen the Emperor and the 10 of Wands.You've been carrying the complete burden to do with your work, your career or your family. You're unable to see the woods for the trees and you're too proud and independent to ask for outside help. You need to go back to the root and delegate. This is too much of a burden. Far too much for one person. You're being a bit proud and selfish about matters and because of your lack of trust you are not delegating. Your poor physical body is worn out burnt out and it must rest so in matters of work you must take on board the Emperor card, for the Emperor is about self-discipline and control of yourself. The Emperor is also known as the father figure and you need to look after yourself, to be the boss, to be in control of the situation. You're very practical in your approach to things and you do have control, you're strong, clever, and ambitious and you have a logical mind but you're not using it properly because you're exhausted. This cleverness needs a very strong energy to come out which you have. You must treat things in a matter of fact way and delegate and discipline yourself into getting others to help you out. You need to bring in a more authoritative streak in your nature. This could truly be a time of achievement for you where you get the recognition you deserve. Your hard work will start to pay off and yes it does bring responsibilities, but learn that you must be authoritative so that you are wise and controlled particularly to do with matters of your career or work. You need to communicate your ideas and inspire others on and you must approach your life as if every experience is a sort of trial run; until the real thing comes along. With this optimism and adventurous streak which you have, there will be plenty of time to correct mistakes and create a better future so that you can extract the important lessons from difficult experiences and bring the optimistic side of that lesson into material ambition; which will give you the freedom to pursue the greater wisdom for a more glorious dream.