You have chosen the Emperor and the 7 of Cups.You're feeling emotionally confused at the moment, as if you're energy is not firing on all cylinders. There's a feeling of not being able to see straight, that you have scattered focus. There is a need to clear the clutter out of your life particularly if you're feeling un-stimulated or maybe you're lacking in a goal. This is usually what is wrong. Especially when it comes to matters of the Emperor. You're seeing yourself as somebody sinister and your imagination is totally running away with you. You know things are not quite right but this is because you have so much clutter. You start out something and don't see it through and then it all just piles up on you. The Emperor is calling for you to get some control back in your life, especially when it comes to self-discipline. The Emperor is controlled by Aries, which is a fire sign, and this shows that you need to always feel stimulated which is why you're probably overloaded and in this mess in the first place. The Emperor is asking you to use your strong, clever, logical ambitious mind and put it together in one practical solution. You can definitely have your fingers in as many pies as you want but if you feel that it's overwhelming then it's no good to you. It is good to have a strategy and unfortunately with you, you have far too many of those. It is no good being Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. You must adopt a matter of fact attitude and use your strong, clever strategy to use your energy to realize your full potential and your ambitions. You are sometimes too restless and frustrated by the fact that you do not get results immediately. This is why all things feel as if they are cluttering your mind. The main thing you need is a base that has to be a dwelling that feels that it reflects who you are so start at home and make sure you are happy with where you're living, if not; do something about it. Whether it is a case of moving, or moving objects around, clearing out the clutter and getting rid of the emotional things that cause you to feel that you are getting nowhere fast, then that is your top priority. Having done that, focus on what makes you happy. Looking at your cards shows that you would truly be best to work alone or for yourself, where you have the independence to make your own strategies. You will not take kindly to others telling you what to do. You need the freedom to explore things for yourself and you would work best working for yourself. You must recharge your batteries and take care of yourself. You're prone to wanting things too fast and this is what brings on any headaches or ailments. You will suffer from feeling overwhelmed, and bouts of depression. This is usually because you overload and under achieve. It is simply a matter of wanting too many things at once and not seeing them through to the end. So take matters in hand. The Emperor is here to help you control. Take control of one matter thoroughly and you will feel that you have achieved so much. Then you can tick of each little thing that worries you and spend your full time making sure it is completed before you tick off the next thing. It is simply a matter of planning things and not letting you get frustrated or restless.