You have chosen the Emperor and the Page of Wands.You are someone who is self-disciplined and very in control of yourself. You are the father figure to any projects or people around you. Indeed you should probably be the boss. You have a very practical approach to life and you're in control of everything you do. You have a very strong, logical, ambitious nature, which has a clever strategy with lots of energy to make sure that things happen. You're quite matter of fact and down to earth in your approach. This is a time for you to work towards the achievement and status you've been looking for, you working towards receiving the rewards of recognition that you deserve to climb the ladder of success. Your hard work will eventually pay off, but not yet; for there is much more to learn. You are inexperienced but you are going on a journey and you have an extremely fixed focus. You need a little bit more information. You're able to provide messages to people whether this is of news, via telephone, communications to do with the written word or whether you use your voice or your writing to let people know the news you have to offer, it doesn't matter for you are someone who is such a good communicator and you demand that people watch and listen to what you have to say. There is lots of travel going your way. You're boisterous and extrovert. You have a very fixed focus on what you want from life, particularly when it comes to matters of your career. You are someone who takes action and adventure and embraces it. You have a great love of the outdoors and travel and movement are very important to you. You're enthusiastic and innovative and you physically get on with what you want to do in life. You're not someone who is lazy; you just lack a little bit more experience and knowledge before you will make it to the top. Everything must be a journey of physical or intellectual promise, which offers you a broader view of life. You can be very restless and easily bored once you've achieved a goal. You need plenty of freedom to move from one project to another and find fresh enthusiasm through a variety of learning and experience. You'll be happiest working in a place of work where you're constantly challenged with fields of knowledge that can be explored.