You have chosen the Emperor and the Page of Swords.The Emperor is a card about self-discipline and control of the self. It's about being the boss and being in control. It's a very practical card for it shows that you are strong, clever, ambitious and very logical. You have a very strong energy; it is clinical, matter of fact, clever. It is all about the fact that you are capable of making sure what you want happens. You love being a pioneer, the start of something new is the key to intoxicating your curiosity but there are lots of minor setbacks. This is to do with the fact that you have not enough knowledge or experience on this matter. You feel that you are going backwards and forwards, not quite getting anywhere fast. Give it time. You are capable; you just lack practical experience and a little lack of knowledge. This comes by educating yourself and working out the strategy of how you want things to turn out, but you get held up sometimes for you are happy to see that minor setbacks are such a nuisance that you feel like abandoning plans too quickly. Don't be an airhead, yes this is irritable and annoying but you are capable of seeing this through. You can be highly disciplined and totally steady for you have a sense of responsibility to others, which springs, from your ethical precepts. You have the ability to go far. You have a cool, calm and detached manner. You're very loyal when it comes to your project and dedicated, you sometimes feel misunderstood and choose to be a bit of a rebel against the traditional values. You just need more resources and the courage to keep going. You can put this down to creative frustration. You need the opportunity to keep trying out your ideas particularly, if there are innovative, anything that channels your emotional, physical and intellectual perception will stop the restlessness and the impatience that causes you to give up in the face of frustration.