You have chosen the Emperor and the Knight of Swords.The Emperor is a card about self-discipline and control of the self. It's the father figure where we nurture and care for something because we believe it is ambitious. It's about being the boss of what you think is important. You have control and you're very practical. You have a very strong, clever and logical ambition, which will take you far in life. You've got a very strong energy and you're very matter of fact when it comes to problems. This is because you're disciplined for ambition drives you where you want to go. You're someone that's quick and shrewd but you are in need of more knowledge. You need further practical experience in order to really make things work for you but you're a little impetuous. Sometimes you get bored far too easily. This is a restlessness within you that causes you to be like a child with a new toy. You tire too quickly but the Emperor does signify that you can achieve and gain the status that you want. You will get the rewards you deserve once you climb the ladder. You're not quite there. More hard work will certainly bring you more responsibilities and then you'll be able to take on the role of the boss for you have the power and the authority but you don't quite have the experience yet. It means a little bit more hard work and you have to be a little bolder in your approach. Perhaps you're a bit of a rebel sometimes for you get bored too easily and you're complex and often misunderstood. This is because you rebel against traditional forces because you are such an individual, but you do have a sense of responsibility to others, which usually springs from your ethics and morals for you have a little bit more to learn about the brilliance of your mind. This can only come through experience and time. Wisdom is also knowledge for it will give you the ability to judge things fairly and to be master of all things that are meaningful to you. You have huge ideals, but you really need to progress knowing where you are going and how you're going to get there. You don't want to keep repeating the same mistakes, which make you, give up before your project is complete.