You have chosen the Emperor and the Knight of Cups.You are someone who is quite self disciplined and always in control of yourself but you have the Knight of Cups and you must make sure that you give in to these romantic associations that are linked with someone you love. You're always seen as the boss figure or the father figure, for you are deeply controlling and practical. You have a strong ambitious and imaginative energy which cleverly you put together in a matter of fact way. For your partner you create a safe haven where they feel you will look after them in a way that is practical and full of common sense. You have an energy that is childlike and innovative and always strive to go on to the next project. You are inspiring and exciting and the person around you finds you charismatic. You go through life always on the move, elegantly from one project to the next. This is so stimulating and exciting. This new lover is coming into your life bringing you new social invitations. You're breaking new ground and discovering new horizons. These things are enthusiastic and unpredictable. The Knight of Cups is the bringer of hope, which means that everything around you is elegant and graceful, but continually on the move. This is deeply important for you for the Emperor is controlled by the star sign Aries which means that you seek within a relationship an ongoing challenge that is to do with excitement and fire of the imagination. At the same time you must be provided with the instinctive satisfaction of knowing that this person is completely happy. You are in pursuit of something new and the unpredictability of a relationship is a source that you will be looking for that gives you a reliable and stimulating loyalty. You can exhibit a very strong competitive streak but new conquests are very important and must be affirmed within this relationship, for you have a restless streak and a vision of courage, impatience and sometimes you can be explosive when it comes to the fact of frustration. You must experience your own strength through struggle, competition and achievement of all things new, particularly when it comes to your goals. It is the opportunity to try out the new and offer you a new intellectual, emotional and physical satisfaction that comes from a loving relationship.