You have chosen the Emperor and the 4 of Swords.The Emperor is a card that deals with self-discipline and control. The star sign Aries rules it. You're being asked to look at putting your strength into reserve for a short period of time. You now need a period of rest. You've burnt out. There's been a major situation that's required your energy. You must go for this period of rest and do nothing. It's time to think and take some time out in a sanctuary. Going into exile will really help for its thinking time that's required and planning time. No action right now. Once you've recovered and gone through the solitude and the isolation of being able to think what you want next you can move back into your full energy. You must be careful that you take this time otherwise you will burn out and then you will miss the boat on the projects that you want to be involved in. Take control; make sure that you really follow your own advice. You need to be practical and ambitious. Use a logical, clever energy that you do have to wait and be patient, until things have ripened and in their own time you can then go forwards for you have a very good discipline and you're very matter of fact about things. You must see this as a waiting time, which could frustrate you, but you really need to gather your energy for the next project will be very demanding and very exciting and you cannot afford to get tired midway. It's time now to put yourself first, instead of putting everyone else first and foremost. You will be confident about your actions where you know they'll make a very good impression but it's time to put your reserve of your energy towards a very dynamic and bold approach to your project. This is not a time for you to be quiet about your actions. You need the rest and once you have recharged all your batteries it is time for the dynamic energy that is necessary to formulate this goal to it's maximum. For the Emperor shows you could be in charge of this project, which will be financially rewarding for you. You must take the time to gage exactly when you are ready, mentally, physically and emotionally to start this, for once you have started, you will find this very enterprising, which requires your full attention.