You have chosen the Emperor and the 4 of Pentacles.The 4 of Pentacles are a card of possessions. It shows that money often has a lot to do with how you live your life. You're someone that thinks about money all the time. It's everything to you. Try not to hoard it. This could be your insecurity as a person that makes you feel that you've got to show your wealth off to others. In actual fact others see you as being a little bit miserly and a little bit greedy for you're someone that doesn't really want to spend, you just want others to know how much you've got. Now the Emperor is asking you to take some discipline here and control your attitude towards your money. You've got to be in control. The Emperor is a father figure and he's boss. This is a time for you to be practical, logical and ambitious and to use your very strong energy in a matter of fact way to make sure that you see another side of life. You're someone that can be counted on in times of trouble but people don't like approaching you, they think you're bad tempered. This is because you always go on about money and you're always going on about status and achievement. Everyone tries their best and works extremely hard and we all deserve rewards and recognition. With it comes responsibility and therefore you must start to realize that other people work just as hard even though you may not see it, it happens in different ways. Maybe other people are not as bold and dynamic and as motivated as you are to give all their time towards their work, but you're being asked to look at another side of life that's a little bit less materialistic and a little bit more spiritual, otherwise you're going to find yourself with no friends, for you think money, feel money and see money and it's starting to show.