You have chosen the Emperor and the 5 of Swords.The Emperor is a card that shows you must be boss. You must be the father figure of a situation and be very disciplined or controlling in this matter. This matter centers on a group of people who are arguing. This arguing and mock battle is causing an unethical struggle within the project for everybody else. It's a battlefield and you will be in charge of people who are bullying and battling in unethical ways due to their jealous and angry nature. You must take control of the situation and control this, for it could be a volatile situation. You need a practical energy that helps you steer away and leave these people behind. You need to be the boss and you need to deal with this in a very matter of fact way causing no emotion to come into it. You are clever and you are strong and you have the energy to make this happen. You have ambition and you will show yourself and those around you who is in charge, for this needs managing, for it is getting out of hand and these people with their jealous and angry ways are not viable for you or for the people around you any longer. This situation is no longer productive. It is simply a matter of cutting away and leaving them behind. You must then nurture the people who have been bullied and abused and make sure that you look after and nurture them in a way that they feel protected and re-establish their trust in you once again. Then you will have the maximum respect for your integrity from these people. This matter needs sorting out urgently. It is no longer productive for this to go on any longer, for the mental abuse to the other people is unsettling and could lead to a loss of a valid member of your team if you do not take control of this situation sooner rather than later.