You have chosen the Emperor and the 5 of Pentacles.The 5 of Pentacles recognizes that you've been given a hard time. Maybe you face recent unemployment or you found that money is not going as far as it should. This feeling of being left out in the cold has made you feel that you've no means of providing for yourself. You've felt poverty for the first time. This is probably to do with your own spending and you're feeling 'poor me'. You're feeling abandoned and your health is starting to suffer. You've been looking in the wrong direction. This is a time for you to notice friends around you for the 5 of Pentacles are a good friendship card and you're finding out who your true friends really are. You're gaining much more help from your friends that you thought but you're finding out that other people who you thought were friends, are no more than just mere associates. It shows that your previous money was frittered away and that you could have saved up and planned for a rainy day. That rainy day has come and you're now finding it a struggle. The Emperor is you, it's telling you to get self-discipline and control into your finances. You've got to be the boss. You've got to be the one in control. You've got to be the one that everyone relies on, you've got to be the father figure here whether male or female, you've got to use your practical mind that's full of common sense and come up with a solution that is clever, logical and ambitious. This needs a very strong energy for you to steer things into a positive direction. You've just got to be willful and make sure it happens. You may have to be bossy with everybody else for some cut backs. You've had your taste of things not going too well. Make sure that this is a lesson otherwise next time it may be more difficult.