You have chosen the Emperor and the Ace of Wands.The Emperor deals with the self and it's the father figure of all of us. It's about being the boss here. You must be in control. This is a totally practical card. It shows that you have a strong, clever and logical ambitious nature. You're able to put together a strategy, which is clever, strong and full of energy. You're quite matter of fact in your dealings and you have lots of self-discipline and control of yourself. The star sign Aries that is the ram rules the Emperor. It's also a fire sign. It's about being an authority and it shows that you've got some power. You are likely to be reliable and honest. It usually means that you are looking for status and achievement within life and that you're about to climb up the ladder to success but this is all about hard work. You're wise enough to control your strong mind and using your wisdom to put your plans into action. Linked with the Ace of Wands it shows that this is a new beginning for you. You're not used to this. Although you've always had it within you, you're now starting something new. This is a brand new action for you. It's probably to do with an enterprise and it's the growth with new beginning for your enterprise. If you're looking for an offer from somebody particularly to do with career or work, this is the one. It can also be associated with starting your own business. These two cards are perfect for being your own boss. You need to seize the moment and make the most of every opportunity that is coming your way. You need to be adventurous, enterprising and assertive. Your enthusiasm and drive is fantastic at this moment in time. It's good if you've never tried this before, you really will probably surprise yourself. You've got plenty of energy, enthusiasm and you're full of excitement, but you're able to hold your own ground and be stern should matters call for you to use your wisdom and your authoritative figure. This is where you've got to speculate to accumulate and to use your optimism to be dynamic and get what you want. You've got to be quick at making the first move, particularly in matters that are to do with your professional ability. You've got the confidence to do so. The fact that you have the Ace of Wands shows that you will work hard for a living. No one could ever accuse you of being lazy. You're always on the go. Some could describe you as being restless, but you'll always have a vision and your courageous enough to try and work hard to see the matter come to a conclusion for yourself. Use your initiative, your courage and cool it when you get frustrated and you'll struggle through with the achievement of your new goal.