You have chosen the Emperor and the Ace of Swords.The Emperor is a card of self-discipline and control. It works with the star sign Aries and it's a fire sign. It deals with the self and shows that you're nurturing everything around you. You are now in control of your plans and your projects. It's time to be the boss. You must control things and be very practical and logical in your ambitions. You're a strong persona and you're capable of very matter of fact business dealings. This is to do with a new idea. It's a new beginning for the Ace of Swords signifies that there is a new venture for you that you are now contemplating. There are two sides to this so you're weighing up the pros and cons but you have the will, the force and knowledge to see this right. It's a victory and cutting away of the old, a new way of thinking for the future. This new idea will lead into a new enterprise for you. As the Emperor you will be able to control it and manage it perfectly. It's time to be dynamic and very bold in your approach to your project. This is not a time to take a back seat otherwise this important opportunity could go. You now need to think about yourself and be a touch selfish. You have to be frank and completely honest and you need to be in authority. Look at this as status and achievement. This shows that you are climbing the ladder and lots of hard work is necessary in order for this to start and manifest itself. You're good at self-expression and you always need something where your individual ideas can be given shape. Anything that allows you to use your initiative and your expression of originality is good. You're finding an appropriate channel right here and with enthusiasm and the love of a challenge you can really get this going, but you're the one that has to make the decisions and you're the one that needs to rule this project into management. It's the opportunity now for you to try something out that's new and innovative. This will help channel your emotional and your intellectual abilities, but remember that you're sometimes impatient and if you want this to work you must not abandon the goal before it is achieved.