You have chosen the Devil and the 2 of Wands. The Devil card is about our physical and materialistic needs in the world. It is what makes us greedy and it is what holds us back. Sometimes by materialistic desires we are in an emotional bondage situation where we could cut the ties that bind us anytime we like. We feel addicted to something that we know, only because we are scared of change or making a fuss. The 2 of Wands shows that there is a partnership. This is to do with your work. It shows that you are tempted to go into a business partnership. As long as it is a gappy relationship and there is distance between the two parties this will do you very nicely. It could be a lonely partnership where you'll pay the price for success by feeling a little lonely, but you must contemplate the future about your career and wonder what you should do. Do not be held back through your fear of starting something new, or feeling that you are materialistically bound to stick to something that you know is guaranteed. So if you're thinking of starting your own business with a partner, the Devil card is tempting you and telling you not to miss this opportunity because you are afraid of rocking the boat with friends/ family, or your materialistic life. You must go on and see what you can conquer. The Devil card is ruled by the star sign Capricorn which shows that you are dutiful and that you take your responsibilities and reliability seriously. You go about your duties and obligations carefully to the point that you will always secure success, but you do have a nice ambitious attitude and it would be good to make something for yourself, or to go off and see what the world has to offer you, particularly when it comes to matters of business. You've worked hard and it's about time you received some of the rewards for doing so. You're totally professional and very capable of bringing yourself some status. After all, you know you've always thought it was your destiny to go on and do something big to do with matters of work and your career. The Devil card is urging you to not feel trapped by your obligations and as much as you may feel bound to what you have to do, this is a choice not something that you are forced to do. You're being asked to confront any negativity that's in your life with matters to do with work or career, and to look at yourself more positively and see that you do have choices. It is fear that is keeping you bound down so look at your options and choose wisely. It is, after all, a time to be constructive and appreciate life to the full and to go beyond some of your limitations.