You have chosen the Devil and the 3 of Wands. The 3 of Wands relates to your work and it shows that you're in a creative process. The 3 of Wands tells you that things are going to happen to do with business. If you are creating a partnership, it will involve journeys over land and things that have financial business transactions that will do you very well. It may mean that you need to leave someone behind, but it is such a productive time and such a productive card that I really think you should be tempted into looking at it more closely. This is a very good time for any business dealings. Anything linked to trading, exchanging, things to do with stock and particularly anything to do with journeys over land such as shipping shows that this is going to indeed be very successful for you right now. The Devil card is asking you to look at your materialistic side of life and to ask yourself whether you sometimes feel that you're in emotional bondage to certain things in your life that hold you back. These are the physical things of our materialistic side of life where we feel bound and duty bound to stay in something because it pays us a wage or a salary that's guaranteed. The Devil card is asking you not to be greedy in that respect, but to possibly look at something that would make you happier, that is not so guaranteed materialistically or financially. It is about taking a gamble within your career and not just sticking with what you know. That is not always the best plan. It is only making you unhappy and frustrated by the fact that you feel there are no choices in life, particularly when it comes to doing something with your career, where you feel duty-bound to play it safe. The Devil card is telling you that the binds that you feel are binding you are very loose and that by choice you keep them there, so that by choice you can take them off. So, if it is a time to investigate whether or not to go into business or whether to expand your business, look at things honestly and carefully. You are diligent and dutiful and you take your duties and obligations a little too seriously sometimes, but you're also highly ambitious and looking for status and recognition within your professional life. It is time to bring the status and prestige that you've wanted into your life, you just need to confront yourself and look at things more positively. You must be constructive and appreciate all that you have learned in full, and realise that you can indeed go beyond your own limitations.