You have chosen the Devil and the 10 of Wands . The Devil is all about temptation and the 10 of Wands is about working too hard. Putting the two together you can clearly that you are always tempted to work far too hard. You carry and take on the complete burden of work. You get to the point that you're so physically exhausted and so mentally tired that you can't see the woods for the trees. But you're too proud and independent to ask for help. You need to go back and delegate. This burden is too heavy a load for one person. You've probably got back problems, health problems and you're probably feeling miserable too and slightly depressed. This is because you are sometimes, I'm sorry to say, proud and selfish. You lack trust that other people will not carry it out to the best of their ability. So what? Sometimes you need to delegate, and if you don't find the right person immediately, keep trying. Your poor physical body is worn out, you're burnt out and it's time to rest. You need to share it with a team. This task is too much for one. The Devil card is linked to the star sign Capricorn. This is linked to our destiny, status and reputation. It's about the physical and materialistic needs in our life. Perhaps you are so earthbound that you need the physical and materialistic side of life so desperately that you have to work yourself to the bone to get it. I'm afraid the Devil card is also known as a greedy card. Perhaps you feel that you must do more and have more and that you work so hard you deserve it; but if you're never going to see it, what's the point? The Devil card is also linked to our sexual needs and desires, and can sometimes make us a bit naughty when it comes to physical side of our sexual nature. Remember, if you play with fire, you'll get your fingers burnt. So maybe you're too busy for a proper relationship and you get on with something that you know you shouldn't be doing, with someone who perhaps isn't free or isn't really the person you should be with: maybe it's an addiction that you've got. Maybe you feel that you're justifying your behaviour, for the Devil is all about being in emotional bondage. It represents the things that are negative and things that hold us back. The things that we blame things for, such as we blame the wrong things for our own lack of determination and success. The Devil card can give us an illusion that we are trapped, but these are only loose chains. The bondage has probably been put on by others. Therefore the bondage is usually by choice. The other basis that this card works on is that of guilt and remorse. You've put yourself into a life of hard work and slavery. You must now choose to look at the positive side of the Devil and be constructive. you've learnt to appreciate life in full and you've gained the drive to go beyond your own limitations, but make sure that you have the simple, humble pleasures of life that give you a sense of fun. Stop working so hard and feeling justified when you act out of character.