You have chosen the Devil and the 10 of Cups. The Devil is a card of temptation and it deals with our status and reputation of how we feel that others perceive us. It's time to look at your relationships, for the 10 of Cups talks about marriage and living together with a very strong relationship. It's to do with a group of people such as a family. If you have a family, you're being asked to make the most of your family but at the same time to have an independent life within this unit. Bliss and happiness surrounds the family atmosphere. It's very cosy, dreamy and quite successful, but to continue working on it will give you the fulfilment of happiness within the marriage or the relationship. This will, or has, led to children, a nice home and possibly pets. It's all about making sure that, although these things are extremely important, your destiny is to do something for yourself. The Devil can enslave us into situations of emotional bondage where we give up everything about ourselves to the detriment of knowing who we are. It's possible that you take your family far too seriously and don't give yourself enough independence as a person. You're enslaved to this situation feeling that nobody will cope without you but you really need to stop being so materialistic and so greedy with the emotions of other people and realising that you need your own life and so do they. This is about an addiction to feeling that you have possibly stifled yourself into resentment by being so dutiful and diligent with the family that you've forgotten that you're a human being on your own and having your own rights. Nobody has done this but you and you've realised it. You're someone that takes it so seriously that you've given up who you are and have found yourself a little bit lost. You need a life outside of the family unit. You need to feel that you do something for yourself. It doesn't matter what; you just have to have some time for yourself. Enjoying something that takes you away from the family. You would also kid yourself that the family needs you but that's because you've made it that way. They can be independent. It's a good test for all of you to see if you can all have independent lives and still stay a very happy unit.