You have chosen the Devil and the 7 of Wands. You're indeed in a place that is an advantage, particularly to do with work and your career. You've learnt a lot and you are in a position of defence. You're on higher ground than most people and you're capable of staying on top of most situations. This is indeed a very privileged position to be in. It's a very positive time for you. You're always looking to be ahead of any attack which helps you to defend yourself very easily. This is because you keep your plans and tactics to yourself. You're always one step ahead of the game and you don't let other people know what your plans are, which means that you keep all your cards close to your chest. In matters of business this is excellent because you are always capable of sustaining this position of advantage. The Devil card is all about your destiny, your status and your reputation which is clearly linked to work here. The Devil card is ruled by the star sign Capricorn, and this is also about temptation to do with our physical and materialistic side of life which of course links to your job, your career and your professionalism. Sometimes it can be a greedy card, which means that your status and reputation are worth everything to you but you must have some fun and made sure that you are not a slave to your work. Sometimes your work can be a little bit of an addiction to you. Perhaps you've become a slave to your career; so the Devil card is asking you to look at things in balance and to seek some sense of fun within your life. Make sure that you do not become a slave to your traditional values. You are astute and worldly and are often hard to fool but you now must go with the powerful longing to break free and explore some more imaginative realms of life. At times your preoccupation with survival can create some self imposed limits. Your strenuous self control closes the door onto simple fun. This is because you have such a deep sense of responsibility towards your family and your work and this can often take the precedence over pleasure. You can cope with loneliness better than most because you have a strength and discipline that keeps you working towards a goal, no matter how difficult the obstacles may seem. It would also be nice to have some fun and some pleasures to the physical side of life with other human beings. All work and no play mean that you are out of sync.