You have chosen the Devil and the 7 of Pentacles. The 7 of Pentacles is explaining that you must take a financial risk. It is time to make an investment. You've been doing very well, but now it is time to explore another side to a money-making opportunity that you may find yourself involved in. It is time to do your homework and find out exactly where you would like to make a small investment. Do not invest anything more than you can afford to lose, for indeed the first time may just be an experience where you are able to extract the lessons of what is necessary to be successful. The financial risk you should take should be involved in a very small way and you must simply concentrate on your full time occupation and stick with that as well as start something new. Your small investment may be to do with bricks and mortar or land and property or maybe you are involving yourself in a partnership or a small business, or simply a savings scheme or pension plan in which you are hoping to see your money grow. But the Devil is explaining that you must be tempted to look after your foreseeable future and provide a comfortable financial nest egg for the future. It's about releasing yourself from the emotional bondage of being simply stuck with what you are doing and asking you to look at your status and reputation and your long distance financial goals, for you are capable of doing extremely well but you can easily get fed up when the mundane things bog you down. You have ambition and drive and you are certainly someone who works extremely hard, but you can sometimes become impatient, which leads to you wanting to give up: but you know in your heart of hearts that you never do. Keep going and look at something new. This will be your focus and stimulate towards your financial success that you've been slogging so hard to achieve. It will come. It will just take a little bit longer.