You have chosen the Devil and the Page of Pentacles. The Devil is a card of temptation, which is linked to the status and reputation which we all desire from everybody around us. The Devil also deals with our destiny and the status that we have within our working lives. In your case it is linked to work, knowledge or study for it shows you have a temptation for working far too hard towards a material goal. The Devil is known as a greedy card which means that we sometimes emotionally need things far too much, so we are out of balance with everything else. You have a tendency to play with fire and get your fingers burnt, for you work far too hard towards a material goal. Maybe you work too hard, too long, or you are never satisfied with reaching a goal and taking a break. You continue to keep pouring in more and more so that yore energy levels can sometimes be a bit too low. Your addiction is to do with work and this is because you will always put your material security first. The pentacle card shows that this deals with goods and possessions in one way or another, whether it is knowledge, material gain, financial security or an addiction to working far too hard towards the prestige, status and success that you crave. But there is a message on the way for a new financial opportunity for you, and you have fixed focus, as we've discussed. It doesn't mater whether you are young or old. You will learn ways in which to train and make even more money. This is a way of educating yourself, for the Devil is asking you to pull back and to pace it and take it gently and slowly, for you have only a certain amount of energy before your body starts to feel the suffering of working far too hard. You must gain a little bit more balance and have a sense of relaxation and fun into your life that is away from your working or educational needs. Learn to work in a slow way where patience brings responsibility. As long as you are creating something that will last and outlive you, you will get the satisfaction from knowing that you've worked extremely hard but haven't had to bail out as a result of having to do so.