You have chosen the Devil and the Knight of Cups. The Devil is the card that deals with our temptations. It is a very physical and materialistic time. One could describe it as being a little bit greedy, wanting everything, and all of it, all at once. The Devil is also linked to our sexual needs and our desire to be a little bit naughty, for sometimes we find that we are playing with fire and getting our fingers burned. The Devil just shows that your desire to mess about with certain things is to do with your addiction to financial and materialistic gain. In this case you are linked with the Knight of Cups, which shows that the temptation is always to put emotional security first which may not always be the best strategy. You're always moving along and always looking for something to make you feel romantic, for the Knight of Cups constantly brings new love affairs from the heart into your life. Now this may be with the same person, but you're always looking to change things. You have a need to keep the relationship spicy, which is very good, but you need to make sure that you don't invest too much either emotionally into the project with your partner, or financially. If you haven't got a partner it is possible that you flit from one relationship to the other, getting bored very easily or tempted by something else that's come along that you think is better. If you're involved in an affair it shows that you're playing with fire, but you love these feeling of emotional well-being whenever you are doing it and, and it takes you into new shores with new social invitations involved. You love breaking new ground, anything that gives you that emotional feedback of feeling good and excited. You're very enthusiastic and unpredictable at times about your emotional investments, and you sometimes worry about the status and reputation. Perhaps this is why you're materialistic or feel that you have to have something to prove how well you're doing. There's an emotional bondage towards any financial gain, which means you're happy to take out the money to pay for something but you easily get bored with it and realise that it did not quite give you the buzz that you were looking for; so once again you're capable of spending more than you can afford. The Devil is asking you to look at how things are and to question whether or not the choices you make at the time will give you that long lasting balance that makes it necessary for you to act. If you can think twice and really accept does it make that much difference to your life if you go ahead with your plans, you will fare out better for at least you will have thought about it before acting in your normal way which is to acquire something very quickly and to get a rush of adrenalin from doing something that you know was temptation.