You have chosen the Devil and the 4 of Pentacles. You have a temptation to overspend and not look after the pennies. You must look a little bit more towards the future and stop splashing your money around - you may need it for a rainy day. It is important to not feel the temptation that because you have earned it, you can spend it. You have an addiction to spending that causes you feel there is a buzz which is very short lived. If you are not in control of your spending, you will find that you are playing with fire and will get your fingers burned. You have had an obsession with your status and reputation within your friendship circles and that you feel that by showing the world you are doing well you are covering up something about yourself. This emotional bondage that you find yourself involved in is about your preoccupation with security and material well-being. It is important for you to think about the fact that you do not have to keep up with the Jones' in everything you do. It is making you feel miserable and it is time to get back the control. This means you must go through your spending habits with a fine toothed comb and you must look at everything that is coming in and everything that is going out and you must start making some sacrifices: go on a very tight budget and live well within your means. Stop treating yourself to every little thing that you think shows that you are doing well. Other people don't care particularly how or where you buy or spend your clothes, where you eat or where you live. They are too busy trying to cope with their own lives so because this tendency to want to show off your status and reputation, it has led you to feeling that you're in a bit of a rut, particularly when it comes to matters of money. Take control of your spending and do realise you cannot buy friends or impress them by how much or how little you have. It is important for you to feel you have gained control over this situation and to realise the simple things in life are free, and that you are not duty bound to feel this hard slog to work extremely hard in order to have the privileges you feel are so necessary to impress those around you.