You have chosen the Devil and the 4 of Cups. It shows that you are emotionally dissatisfied at this moment in time and that you are dwelling on something that has been spoilt for you by someone or something. You're feeling restless now and a little bit sorry for yourself. This is because there's a missed opportunity that made you feel disillusioned. This has set in apathy and making your feel that you are in an emotional rut. There's a wish to change things to see if the grass is greener on the other side. You're just bored with routine. The Devil is here to tempt you with some emotional situation. It is not a frightening time, more one of feeling that you need to watch out for the physical and materialistic side of life. There's a feeling of wanting too much and the Devil deals with our sexual needs and desires. It's where we feel a bit naughty sometimes and want to maybe be tempted by something that we shouldn't really have. So watch out. Your reputation could be on the line. Be careful that you do not get addicted to something that you know is not good for you, or someone rather. Don't let your emotions get the better of you, and if you are in a partnership be careful that you are not arousing envy or some sort of possessiveness between the two of you. It would be good to move away from people who are negative. Maybe you finally realise now that there's a positive outcome. Just be careful that you're not tempted to stray from the straight and narrow. There have been plenty of problems around you that have been upsetting the peace, but don't let it dominate you, there's plenty you can do about it. The best way forward is to be diligent and dutiful, show people how responsible and reliable you can be and go about your obligations that will lead you to the path of success. If it's a case of wanting to be noticed, then stick to the tried and tested, traditional approach and you'll be noticed as it's time for your hard work to be honoured and give you the status and prestige that you've always wanted.