You have chosen the Devil and the 5 of Pentacles. The Devil is a card of temptation and it deals with the destiny and the reputation and status of who we are. It is quite a materialistic card, and shows that things to do with finances and money are extremely important to you. In fact, you always have a temptation to spend far more than you can afford. Some would say that you are greedy and addicted to spending money and in this context you must be careful for you fritter money away. Perhaps this is within gambling or competitions where you are being fooled into the fact that you can double your money. You must realise that you and only you can stop the spiral of this spending. Please do not look for money as a comfort. You must realise that you have responsibilities with money in different areas of your life and it would be wise to sit down and try to understand exactly where your spending should and should not be going. Only you will know exactly the full extent of how you fritter your money away and as it is explained you have a tendency to want to gamble. There is no such thing in life as a free lunch, it is best that you feel that you've honoured yourself by doing yourself the service of earning your own money in the best of your ability. If you do wish to change your status and reputation that there are other ways in which you can increase your material security by looking at sound investments, savings schemes, or even involving yourself in extra work or changing your career to something that would pay more but you do not seem to be interested in these areas. You are looking to make a quick buck and enjoy the thrill and temptation of being able to gamble. Look at why you feel the need to sort things out in such a way; does it really make you feel better? You are someone who is diligent and dutiful in most areas of your life. Try to bring a sense of fun to the ordinary, every day situations that life has to offer and look for the buzz that you have when it comes to spending money in whichever area you chose to do so. Try to find the reason why you feel compelled to handle money in this way. There are certain organisations that have the ability to give you professional advice should you feel that this is overwhelming. Yu yourself can easily change the ways that you have been operating your spending habits into a much happier and brighter future by simply wanting to change.