You have chosen the Devil and the 8 of Swords. The 8 of Swords shows you are feeling restricted. You feel all tied up but you know that you're a victim of your own circumstances. You've put yourself into an emotional bondage situation and you know that you really don't have that many choices. You should have sorted things out much earlier on, but you chose to turn away from it and to keep going in the wrong direction. You chose not to see things clearly then and you're still trying to do the same thing. Things will get much worse and matters will be taken out of your hands, so you have no choice: it's really time to think about how you're going to sort out this mess. There are no guarantees for the future, but you really need to take responsibility. You've got waylaid with the wrong group of people and you've realised that it was all about keeping up with others, for the Devil is all about temptation, it makes us very greedy. It makes us very materialistic and it sometimes makes us act in a way that is negative. It makes us a little naughty, so this naughty card has led you into a situation where you've become addicted to a certain behaviour pattern that you really feel enslaved to. Now you really want to get rid of this and the Devil is showing you that you can do so, for you've put yourself into this situation and only you can take yourself away. You feel there are no ways out, but there are. You've just got to be less materialistic and stop looking at what other people think, for the Devil is all about our reputation and the status of how we feel others see us. This is why things are not working out for you. You're only doing it for effect, you're not longer true to yourself and you really don't know who you are anymore. It's about taking control back into your life and getting rid of the temptation to go for an easy, quick fix. You need to now stick to the straight and narrow and take away the blindfold: stop saying there are no choices. There are. You must take responsibility and stop being tempted. Don't get involved in anything underhand or dishonest. You might feel that you've got no choices but you're just blocking your own progress yet again. This is down to you to sort this out. You're stuck in a situation where you feel, through negative thinking, that this is a stagnant situation; there is something you can do and you know that. You've just got to be brave enough not to worry about what other people think or do, and do something for yourself that involves honour and integrity where you are looking for more spiritual aspects to come into your life. Take off the blindfold and allow yourself choices and make the right one for you, with integrity and with the honour and the ethics you feel are right.