You have chosen the Chariot and the 2 of Swords.The Chariot is about the sensitivity that you have and it's about the comings and goings that happen. It's very real comings and goings, things that happen on the ground where your spiritual side is choosing to move in a much more positive direction. It's a card of new contracts and directions but you are faced with indecision. You are choosing not to see clearly and you feel you're living on the edge. You need to take the blindfold off and look at things, call yourself a truce, work out what's happening in any direction you want to take for you're being guided. The Chariot means that your spiritual side is guiding you intuitively to what exactly is right for you but you must make some influential changes and choose to negotiate the obstacles that present themselves to you. Do not duck and dive around them for they will present themselves later in a much more serious way if you haven't learned your lesson now. Things are certainly moving for you and you're becoming more assertive so now is the time to take the faith in yourself and deal with this obstacle. You must have the energy right now to symbolise your own mental and physical abilities and you need to show yourself just how capable you can be. You'll find it very satisfying to deal with this problem and unload the burden from your shoulders. It's indeed very rewarding. Even though this is a tricky time you know it won't last forever and the quicker you get rid of it the quicker you can get on your way. You're now doing everything by sheer willpower and you understand exactly what you've got to do next. You're learning that your security is provided by family or a reliable job and that you're always to bridge two separate worlds for you always have a need for material and emotional security and you're trying to provide a base for yourself from which you can learn. You need something to feel safe and secure to provide yourself with an outlook on life that is strong and courageous. You're very good when it comes to adapting to any non-verbal forms of communication, for you're very intuitive and you must make the most of this skill right now. You have an extreme sensitivity to any atmosphere or environment which makes you seem as if you are slightly ahead of the game when it comes to other people's interpretations of you. It's just that you pick up on non-verbal forms of communication much better than other people. You're sensitive to facial expressions and other body language which means this gives you a head start for you have a sensitivity and empathy that helps you judge a situation accurately.