You have chosen the Chariot and the 3 of Swords.The Chariot means that you're moving in a much more positive direction right now, but this is due to the 3 of Swords affecting you so much. It's about the loss and heartbreak that's in your past and the fact that you're facing up to it. The situation has come to a conclusion and you know that this has been a repeated incident. It has left you feeling let down, heartbroken and indeed you've had to start again. The 3 of Swords tells you that you are creative and you will always pick yourself up time and time again, even though life has dealt you some very horrible knocks and blows. It has made you into a kind, courageous and sensitive human being and your spiritual side is going in a very positive direction. This is a time for you to take new contacts and directions and enjoy some of what life has to offer. It's more than emotional comfort: your home life will be influenced by the comings and goings that are happening on the ground in a much more positive manner. In fact you're taking a lot of control yourself, for you've got the energy now to get past the obstacles that you've been facing. Your mental willpower and your physical ability are really excellent. You kept going and you've not given up, even when things got really difficult. Things may have come to an end now, and this has allowed you to move on and feel that you're more in control of what you want from life, for you've ended up sensitive and full of empathy when it comes to dealing with other people. You're extremely sensitive to non-verbal forms of communication, particularly where other people's feelings are involved. Being so sensitive to atmosphere and environment means you have an openness which people trust. It is time now for you to form a material and emotional security for yourself. You need to find a base from which you can feel there is a safe place in waiting so this is about your home and creating something where you feel secure, where you feel that you can protect yourself and be a survivor; where you feel able to defend yourself against hurt and disappointment. You are surprisingly tough and you're certainly a true survivor. You've come through a difficult situation where you went through the fear and loneliness and gained a strength that moves you towards your goal in a very subtle way.