You have chosen the Chariot and the 6 of cups.This is a time for you to be nostalgic. You're looking back on the past. You're realising that you need to be responsive to your past in order to b e responsive to your present. This is a time where you are reminiscing and maybe you're feeling alone, maybe you're looking back on your childhood or someone that you miss that may not be with you any more. These memories from the past maybe represent a time for you to be reconciled. The Chariot is telling you that you must get your ideas off the ground. You can do this by the determination and sheer willpower of this emotional link that you have, for the Chariot is a card of sensitivity as it's linked to the star sign cancer and it shows that your spiritual side is moving in a very positive direction. This is the time for you to go in different directions and pick up new contacts. Things will happen for you. Your ideas are really starting to take off the ground. It's about the comings and goings of life but you realise that the link to the past is really important to the present. You're also realising that this is about a physical affection that is necessary for everybody. We all need safety and comfort and this comes out for different people in different ways. Maybe this is provided for you by your family. It may be to do with your projects or your work. Everyone needs some valid source of security on the emotional and physical level. You must have faith in your own abilities and in yourself for you've got to get through a mountain of obstacles and you must pick up on the energy that's necessary by sheer willpower to make things happen. You've got to have a motivation and an inspiration, and once you've finished reminiscing and linking your past to the present you will have that focus and that energy and drive to make sure that you form new relationships that are important to you, and provide that physical and emotional well-being that causes you to feel satisfaction.