You have chosen the Chariot and the 7 of wands.The Chariot is a card that links with the star sign Cancer which deals with your home life and your emotions. It's about the sensitivity you feel and it deals with the willpower of the sheer determination of making sure that you mentally and physically make sure the actions of what you want happens. The Chariot is about getting things off from the ground and making sure that things happen. It's a card of transport and the comings and goings of life. Your spiritual side is moving in a very positive direction with this card and it shows it's a time of new contracts for you and directions. This shows this is a time of actions and adventures. It's the comings and goings of the outdoors and you're in for lots of travel and movement. This is a time to be enthusiastic as well as very physically creative for you are just that. You're in a place of advantage when it comes to matters of work. You're in a position to defend yourself. This is a time of action. You can relax now because you're on very high ground and you're staying on top of every given situation making very good progress. This is a positive time and a very privileged position. You're able to do very well for yourself. You're always ahead of the attack, particularly when it comes to matters of your career. The action you take is to defend yourself easily for you keep you plans to yourself and you'll always make sure that you are observant. You're one step ahead of everyone else. You observe, you keep all your cards to your chest and you don't let other people know what your plans are, so you're a key player and you will be doing very well in matters of your career. Any direction you chose to take right now as long as you are emotionally happy with what you're doing will be a very big success. Choose to go into a direction where you feel that you can manifest the willpower to go for even more in promotion when it comes to your career.