You have chosen the Chariot and the 7 of Pentacles. It is a time for you to make things happen, particularly to get things off the ground. The Chariot is a time for you to look at the comings and goings of your working life particularly when it comes to your spiritual side so what you do must reflect the person you are. You're moving in a much more positive direction these days and this is a time of new contracts and directions. This is based on the material security and the 7 of Pentacles is telling you that it is time to take a risk. If you're feeling a bit fed up with what you're doing please don't give up because it shows that you're working really well and doing everything right. However it is time to put a small investment somewhere else. Now you have to work hard for your money and it may be time to take just a little financial risk. You've only got to invest a tiny amount. Nothing more than you can afford to lose and stick with the rest of what you've got for this is a time for you to work out how financial transactions can work for you. You will need to take some professional advice and look at things and do your home worth thoroughly for you'll be able to find out how money can grow and work for you from the little investment that you have made. You're doing extremely well but it is time to look in new directions and back and add to what you've already got and what you've already achieved. Even though you may feel that you've been working hard forever and still not seen enough rewards, these two cards show that they are certainly going to happen in good time. You're someone who is very realistic about life and you know how to protect yourself from it. You've got a surprising toughness - you're one of life's true survivors. Some would call you vulnerable because you have a very tough outer shell and a very soft inside. You have strength of character and move towards your goals without hesitation. This is because of your preoccupation with security whether it comes from the family, a reliable job or the home that you live in. Use your intuition, because you are very at home with non verbal forms of communication such as body language. You are highly sensitive to atmospheres and environments and have a gut feeling and instinct which you sometimes ignored but you have a knowledge and a wealth of experience from the past which will ensure your investment for the future.