You have chosen the Chariot and the Page of Wands. This is a time for comings and goings and things that happen on the ground. It deals with your home life for the Chariot is linked to the star sign Cancer which means you're a bit more sensitive than normal but your spiritual side is definitely moving in a positive direction and this is a time of new contracts and directions for you for this is now a time of actions and tangible adventures. It's the comings and goings, for you love the outdoors. Travel and movement are your enthusiasm and you are particularly physically creative. You're good with your hands or training within your body. Something such as carpentry, or sports or gardening. These kinds of skills are very important. There is a message of further a field travel. You have a very fixed focus and such a love of travel. There is loads of work on its way to you for you're a look at me type character and you need people to listen to what you're saying. You're a very good communicator. You have the ability to broadcast news and deliver it very well. Whether you use a microphone to broadcast in your profession or whether you sing, act, read or even you've just got a very good telephone manner, it doesn't matter; for you are someone who is capable of understanding the message to be relayed and does it well. You're boisterous and definitely an extrovert. This is a time of shifting emotions and you're looking for a comforting atmosphere to surround you right now. Please listen to your intuition for it will be spot on and it will guide you in your career. Be careful of your increased sensitivity for it means you're open to taking offence very easily. Try not to take everything personally and get through the hard times by using your drive, energy and your assertiveness. You are able to connect your mental and physical abilities together and control things by sheer willpower. This will mean a little bit of hard work but the rewards are hugely satisfying. Well done.