You have chosen the Chariot and the Page of Swords.The chariot works with the star sign Cancer. This deals with our home life and the things that we are sensitive towards, our environment, and the people that we love and care about. The Chariot is a card that deals with things that happen on the ground and it shows that your spiritual side is moving in a much more positive direction right now. It's a time of action and new contracts and directions. The Chariot is a card where you manifest what you want for yourself by sheer willpower and determination, for you're coming across some problems where you're feeling that things are not working out. You feel that you haven't got enough knowledge; things are going backwards and forwards. This is because of the Page of Swords. You feel that you're trying to gain knowledge but one step forwards seems to mean two back. You're someone that feels irritated by such annoying little problems. These minor setbacks just pile up and get out of proportion. Things feel like they're a general nuisance and you feel a bit of an air-head at times because so many little things are driving you insane that you feel that you're all over the place, but you are learning. All these little hiccups do add up to a lot of chaos - they do for anybody - but you need a little bit more experience and practice in what you're trying to achieve. The willpower here is very important. Trying to give up before you even started and just throwing your hands in the air shouting about all their problems is what everybody feels like doing but doesn't. They actually get on and sort it out and afterwards they say how difficult these things were. You're someone that really does need to represent yourself with lots of mental and physical attributes. You need the willpower to make sure that your mental and physical abilities are struggling forwards. You'll find the rewards really satisfying because you will climb through these tricky, tricky times. The Chariot also has a few links when it comes to matters of travel and anything that happens on the road.