You have chosen the Chariot and the 9 of wands. You're trying to defend without success some problems that you've got linked with work. This is becoming quite a problem. It's too much for you. You're trying to handle more than you can cope with. Physically, you're worn out but you're being extremely stubborn and you're fighting a losing battle. You really do need to know when it's time to surrender even though you're protecting what is only called yours this is a time of oppression. If you carry on to defend what's not going to work out, you'll end up physically exhausted and becoming rather ill. Stop trying to hang on to protect what's already got out of hand. You are just going to end up exhausted and then you won't be any use for anybody. The Chariot is asking you to look at things differently, it's asking you to be sensitive but practical. You need to work out the comings and goings that really will happen and to be very realistic. Yes you can make things happen by your shrewd determination and willpower but is it logical and is it practical. Your spiritual side is starting to take on in a much more positive direction. This is a time for you to look at changing direction and forming new contacts and entering into new contracts. The Chariot is telling you that by your own willpower and your sheer determination of your energy and drive you can assertively make things happen, but sometimes you've got to realise you're flogging a dead horse and to know when to walk away, give up and start something completely new, which is what the Chariot is suggesting you do. It's showing that you have fantastic skills, but this thing has already got out of control and you need to leave it. Why spend even more time when you know it's really not working out? It's only going to take you longer in the long run to sort out a new project. The longer you wait, the further behind you're going to be and the more exhausted you are starting a new project, when really you should be full of beans.