You have chosen Chariot and the Knight of Swords.You are someone who is quick and shrewd, and you're always in search of more knowledge. You're impetuous and always dashing in and out. You're like a yo-yo, always looking for more knowledge, always learning; like a child you get bored very easily so you're someone that needs spontaneity. You're someone that likes to dash and indulge in different subjects until you've had enough and then move on. The Chariot is telling you that you're someone that's also sensitive and it's time to pay attention to the home environment that you live in. The Chariot links up with the star sign cancer and it's a time for things to get off of the ground for you. You're someone that deals with moving in the right direction and this is a time of new contracts and directions. Your spiritual side is moving in a very positive direction right now. It's guiding you along and you are using your mental and physical willpower to manifest what you want for yourself. You realise that you must focus and have a strategy to work towards your goal. Things are happening for you, things that are linked to the ground. The Chariot is also inked to transport and it's the comings and goings of travel that takes off in our world. You must continue to have the faith in your own abilities so that you get through all the obstacles that you find you're facing. You will find that things are very satisfying and that the journey and the battle are quite fun. Listen to your intuition wherever you can and be a little bit more sensitive to the atmosphere that surrounds you. It's time for you to provide a base for yourself that feels comforting that you can call your home. You need a place that you feel is safe, that you can call base and it should reflect the kind of person you are and provide the atmosphere that you find truly relaxing and an expression of the person you are.