You have chosen the Chariot and the Knight of Pentacles. This is the time for things happening, particularly things that are getting off the ground and starting anew. This is a time of contracts and directions. Your spiritual side is moving you in a positive direction right now. Things that happen on the ground that move very slowly are extremely important for the Knight of Pentacles is about being earthbound and materialistic and focussed. The Chariot is linked to the star sign cancer which means you're feeling a little bit sensitive right now and vulnerable. Your home life and environment are extremely important right now. You have your feet firmly planted on the ground but you will move as slowly as you need to. You need time to work things out and you have to work hard and earn the right for the respect of the finance that goes on in your life. You always put material security first for you seeing is believing, you're very rooted and earthbound particularly when it comes to your home life. There is meticulous attention to the smallest of details. You are quite materialistic and love going on training courses. Anything to do with computers would be excellent with you right now because you are happy to pay attention to the smallest of details. Keep faith in yourself and your abilities and your ambitions, for you are now able to go through life with the assertiveness and the energy that's needed to plod along with the obstacles that face you. You will always plod along gently, for going fast is definitely not your style. You have amazing mental and physical abilities which you can put together into a package by just sheer determination, courage and knowledge. Hard work is definitely up before you but you know that the rewards are worthwhile for you would not have tried it if it was not guaranteed. As long as it has a permanent value and a stable material structure you will be fine. Self sufficiency gives a huge sense of pride and anything that gives you a lasting contribution to either your family or your career is very important to you. For you it's all about the traditional values which is tested by time.