You have chosen the Chariot and the Knight of Wands. The Chariot shows that there are a lot of comings and goings. Things that will happen on the ground. This is to do with your work and your spiritual side is moving in a much more positive direction right now. This is a time of new contracts and directions. The Chariot works in close proximity with the star sign Cancer, which is linked with your home life. It shows that you're a little bit more sensitive at this moment in time for there are lots of changes around you. Things are moving in a positive direction but only through your sheer hard work, determination and willpower. You have a slight gap in your wisdom; you love to be on the move but now is a time to think about moving and relocating. This is a very big important travel time for you. You're adventurous and you're always on the move and into new action. Anything with a new enterprise would be excellent. This is a card of doing. You must keep moving for you're someone who is full of actions and tangible adventure. You're quite outgoing particularly when it comes to the outdoors. You love travel, movement and you're very enthusiastic. You're physically creative and you would do well if you're in a profession such as building or carpentry or whether you have anything linking with sports or gardening for the outdoors and your physical creativity is extremely skilful and productive. You must have lots of faith in your own abilities. This is a time for your energy to surmount the obstacles that are coming your way. You must connect your mental and physical abilities together and make sure things happen by hard work and sheer willpower. The rewards are not there just yet but indeed they are in sight. There is no question that you will not make it providing you keep a fixed focus and are happy to experience a little bit more knowledge before you make it. There is a slight lack in knowledge. This is not of your fault, you need more experience, practice and just the whole experience of maturing before you can definitely get there results that you so deserve.